Refund Policies

Flight Refund Policy
  • For all refunds, you need to contact us. The airline is not able to refund your tickets booked at website.
  • If you cancel directly with Airline, you need to intimate to Manipur Trip by phone or email. We will initiate the refund process on your request.
  • Time required for cancellation and refund requests may vary.
  • The refund will be credited back to the same account from where the payment was made.
  • The meal amount is non-refundable. (Refundable only if the flight is cancelled by the airlines).
  • Manipur Trip will be able to initiate customer's refund only after receipt and/or confirmation of refund from the airline.
Hotel Refund Policy
  • The cancellation charges depend on the hotel, time of stay (‘season’ time, ‘off–season’ time), and time of cancellation.
  • Manipur Trip doesn’t support modifications to hotel bookings. You’ll have to cancel your existing booking and make a new one
  • Your bank may debit its own separate charges from refunds made to your credit card or bank account.
  • Time required for cancellation and refund requests may vary.
Bus Refund Policy
  • No refund will be processed for No-Show Passengers (Passenger who do not report at the boarding point on time).
  • In any cases where the class or type of bus ticket booked differs from what you actually travelled on, refunds will be based on the difference in fare between the higher and lower bus type. Kindly note, the refund will be generated by the bus tour operator and Manipur Trip will not be responsible in any way.